Thursday, August 21, 2008

cites with a hawkeye

Readers Response

This article was a very good article for us to read since many of us use a Face Book or Myspace. Many people view these pages of us every day. I believe colleges have a point that what we do now will affect us for the rest of our lives. It also projects an everlasting image of the people we are seen with and how we act around the areas we are in most.

I do believe that the schools can enforce certain rules that limit what you can post online. The schools, however, should only have that right if its students sign a consent form or if it is a requirement to go to that school. Although it is a public site there should be some limits on what they can prevent you from doing. Believe that schools shouldn’t have to stop you from posting an inappropriate picture because you should know better.

There are many more ways of viewing this article but I believe that The University Of Iowa has the right ideas about how to keep a good image of their school even with sites like Face Book and Myspace.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

They should enforce what they can post online. I agree with the fact that universities have the right ideas to check Facebook and MySpace.