Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Impressions


Sometimes first impressions aren't the best. On my very first soccer team there was a kid named C.J. I got the impression that he was a geek and weird because no one talked to him and everyone left him alone. As the season wore on he became one of my closest friends on my team. He had played on my soccer team until last year when I left the team to go to a different club.
Also on the first day of 6th grade there was a kid from Ireland that I thought was really dorky. Then in the second week of school I realized that he was actually a really funny guy. I sat with him at lunch and he became my best friend throughout my middle school career. He is still a very good friend even though he now goes to Park Tudor. He told me that he thought that thought the same thing about me that I thought about him. He said that once he learned that I played soccer he realized that I could be one of his good friends. I invited him to try out for my team in Zionsville.
He tried out for my team and made it. When he met C.J. he thought the same thing I did, that he was weird and a loner. Just like I did, he eventually realized that C.J. was one of the nicest people one our team. Sometimes first impressions aren’t the best.