Tuesday, August 26, 2008

P.S. and how his story will end

How The Story Will End

I believe that P.S will eventually turn himself in because that is the right thing to do. When he does I think he will go to the Latin teacher and tell him the whole story. The teacher will be very disappointed that he cheated on the test but very proud of him for turning himself in. He will also wonder why he wouldn’t cheat on the whole test and get an A but just cheat on part and get a C. The teachers will cal his dad and tell his dad what his son had done. When his dad finds out he will be very disappointed in him and not let him go to Colorado. Charlie will also be disappointed about how they can’t go to Colorado together. I think that P.S. and his father are going to have a talk on how P.S. has had to much pressure on himself. I bet that P.S. will never cheat again.

1 comment:

amypfan said...

Nice new title to the blog. :)