Tuesday, March 24, 2009

of Mice and Men Blog #4

I think dreams sometimes fall because you don't have a realistic dream that is even possible.  Romeo and juliet both have the dream to get married but since they are on opposite sides of a family feud and have to be so sneaky they where just set up to fail.  In Things Fall Apart Okonkawo Dreams of being a rich and powerful man but as it say in the tittle Things fall apart for Okonkawo.  He tries to hard, and gets himself banished.  Being banished makes him lose so much time to gain a higher social class he has no way to fulfill his dream.  I have dreams of becoming rich having alot of friends who don't just want me for my stuff, owning my own island, owning my own soccer complex,  becoming the King of England, Going back in time,  Join the CIA, Have 2 Kids, Go to a Good Collage, Have Some fun, and Be happy.  Most of those things probobly won't come true due to diffrent variable that can affect each one and if it is even possible,  Take Being the King of England for example.  i may wish to be but there is now way i can become the kings son. no way in the whole entire universe because i cant change my perents no matter what.  I guess i could get the king to adopt me or somthing like that but then even than i don't know if i they would let me be king because i am not of royal blood.  

Great Blog Cole

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