Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Comparing the Peasants to the previous ruling class

The peasants and the previous ruling class are very similar in the way they deal with personal appeals. The ruling class listened to no one and only looked out for themselves. When the Marquis runs over the mans child all he does is through a coin out the window to pay for the childes life. The peasents then create a petition and it is completely ignored by the Nobels. When the peasants take over the country through the revolution they are even more violent then the government currently in place. Because the peasents are such a large group they are very hard for Monsiur Dufrage to control. Throughout the novel we continue to get the image that crowds have a mind of there own and are very fickle. Since the Peasants have become the main ruling class this means that the new government is also fickle and dangerous. When Darnay is taken prisoner when he reterns to france he is put on trial. While on trial he

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