Sunday, April 12, 2009

of Mice and Men Blog #6

My favorite character in the book of mice and men is Lennie because he is never angry or mad.  he never does anything out of meanness but he just doesn't know that he did something wrong.  George can be mean to lennie but lennie is never mean to george.  Lennie is very innocent and try to be the best that he can.  i like how the author makes Lennie like a kid but in a giants body.  i thought it was funny how curly starts to beat up lennie and george says to "get him" and lennie breaks his hand without even trying.  i also like lennie because he likes Rabbits and i also like rabbits.  lennie likes soft things and i like soft thing.  i cant really think of any other things or reasons why i like lennie i just get this feeling in my tummy that lennie is my favorite characters.

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