Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blog #1 War

I think that war is both good and bad. War can help or destroy people’s lives. I would go to war for a lot of reasons. I think it is all right to go to war if it is to help other people and enrich their lives. I do not believe in going to war just to show how much bigger and better your country is than another. World War II is a perfect example. The Germans went to war just to try to take over more land and show everyone how good they where. The Allies went to war to try to stop the expansion of the Nazi regime, and to liberate the concentration camps. An example of when we shouldn’t go to war is Vietnam. We went to war but fought a defensive war. We didn’t try to win we only tried to hold a citron point. I don’t think that is a war that should be fought. If you go to war you should do everything you can do to win a quickly and most efficiently as possible. You should also try to remove all civilians and hurt as little as possible to help stop the effects of war on people’s lives. I would go to war for many different reasons. If there was a country I am allied with I would go to their aid to help them because I know that they would do the same for me. I would also go to war to liberate a group of people or to give a country back to it people.

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